Ministry of Trade, Industry and Investment Promotion

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Local investment constitutes one of the basic pillars of diversification of the national income. After we launched a set of national programmes and furnished proper suitable grounds, we hereby urge all to invest funds locally We have lucrative investment opportunities at hand in all fields, and we look forward to seeing our country a destination for pioneering investments, notably in spheres that consolidate our approach to expand the volume of the national economy and diversify the sources of income. Our country, thanks be to the Almighty Allah, boasts a wide range of competitive incentives, great potentials and promising opportunities that need to be uti- lized. The government will unleash all its efforts and capacities to serve cooperation and integration that ensure channeling development to the governorates. They will enhance their preparedness for investment and develop their local role based on the comparative advantage of each governorate in a manner that creates development models. This will be substantiated by a set of strategic goals to be executed by the government within the con- text of five-year plans. Thus, the march of development can be perfected and empowered to cover all parts of this dear homeland.

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